Thursday, December 16, 2010

Should Teachers Give Extra Credit?

I think that extra credit can be a good thing IF you do not give too much of it.  Extra credit should relate to the area that you are teaching.  The same extra credit opportunity should be given to every class and have a clear deadline.  I don't think that extra credit should be easy.  It should require slightly more work than that of a typical assignment. 

One common mistake that I came across during high school was that teachers would give so much extra credit that it was TOO easy to get an A or above.  The extra credit was usually really easy to complete, and probably really easy to grade.  It is important to make sure that extra credit will provide the student with an opportunity to learn something.  It should take time and effort to complete and extra time to grade as well.  If the students are willing to put in the extra work, so should you. could just not give extra credit...

Another reason extra credit should be given is for motivation to go above and beyond.  It will help students to learn more about the subject while also increasing their grade.  I believe that extra credit should be given, but only once or twice a semester  Here is one article that relates to what I was talking about:


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