Thursday, December 16, 2010

What makes Professor Green's teaching great?

After my first day of class in History of Christian Thought, I knew that it was going to be a great class.  Professor Green made sure that everyone knew that his class was not going to be a class where you could get an "Easy A."  We had to write response papers on readings for class.  He made it very clear that they would not be easy.  Each student had to participate in class discussions in order to get an 'A' as well.  Then, after the rest of his introduction, he gave everybody the opportunity to leave the class if they would like to.

Now this does not sound like a great just sounds hard.  Professor Green wanted only the students that were willing to put in the work.  He definitely put in the effort.  Each day (at 8:00) he had more energy than the students in the class.  He showed that he was really passionate about what he taught.  I think that it is important to love what you do and have high expectations for students and he did just that.  Professor Green was also organized and stuck to a schedule.  He was good at facilitating class discussions and asked us really hard questions.  Another thing he did well was opening up and connecting to students.  He had a great sense of humor and was always welcome to one on one conversations outside of class.

Here are some of his blogs:

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