Thursday, December 16, 2010

Teaching with the Peace Corps

The only thing I knew that I wanted to do in my future was to join the Peace Corps.  The only thing I wasn't sure about was what I was going to do with them.  Now I know that I want to teach overseas with them.  I am not sure exactly what will happen, but I look forward to the opportunity.

Teaching overseas will be a totally different experience from teaching in America.  I will likely be teaching English instead of history, like I will be teaching here in the U.S.  One volunteer provided an example of how it might be different.  He talks about what reasons people came in to learn English.  He states:  "A few thought that English can help getting a job; another's dream was understanding lyrics to English songs, and a few came to just socialize."

I think that teaching overseas will help me teach in America as well.  The experience will be valuable in my understanding of different cultures and it will help me learn to teach to people of any background.  I know that my stories will be able to be used in my classroom and I hope that my students some day will have the opportunity to travel to experience a broad range of cultures.

Here is the website for education in the Peace Corps:

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